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2024 Child Care Management Software Industry Trends Report

Explore the insights gathered in the second annual "2024 Child Care Management Software Industry Trends Report" by Procare Solutions. This comprehensive report delves into the practices of your peers, showcasing how child care management software is instrumental in addressing key aspects of the industry. Based on a survey conducted by Procare Solutions in late 2023 and drawing thousands of responses, this report offers valuable perspectives on challenges and solutions related to:

  • Enrollment
  • Software usage in child care programs
  • Technology integration
  • Early childhood education curriculum and assessments
  • Accounting practices
  • Software usage in child care programs
  • Family engagement strategies
  • Major challenges faced by child care programs
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Report Preview

Graphic showing the top 4 major challenges facing child care centers in 2024
Preview of the report showing which technologies child care centers plan to implement